Saturday, October 31, 2009

Where Can I Buy Hd Loader


publish an article about the service center ODA Villa Louis Castle, where our photographer Silva strives each year to charities, and this year he committed to photograph them in a calendar very special. A Silvano and all those people who work in these fantastic initiatives an affectionate hug and a standing ovation. Well done!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

What Does A Uterus Feel Like

Other tissues that say about us ...

From bimonthly Musical, an interesting article about the exhibition in Milan and of course on our show. Regardless of a few points "debatable" that could be analyzed with the journalist, I would like to personally thank you for the care with which the analysis and wrote the piece, he carefully observed synonymous with our representation, a good deal more "lines" compared to other participants. Not only that, but his "review" was really the tone of a critical to professionals, and this, I and the amateur group that I represent, we can not but be pleased.
Thanks again and hope to meet again in another stage where we will be even more "aggressive" and ready for new challenges and criticism.