Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Where To Buy Quadriderm Nf

fair compensation, but we're kidding ?!?!?!?!?

And so while we were to dispose of the hangovers of the various Christmas dinners we prepare for 2010 as a year of redemption, on December 30 the Minister Bondi - as a favor to the SIAE and protect the right of ' author of the "artists" - has designed yet another Italic tax in terms of innovation and technology. As if that were not enough of the "theft" of that day bandwagon created by a good idea to remember and converted into company in 1882, today the Minister of Heritage and Culture has seen fit to introduce this tax called fair compensation .... But who are the future "taxed"? But just to all holders of physical memory (hard disk, telephones, cameras, DVDs, CDs, USB keys, etc). Why you say. Simple! Since the SIAE already derive profit on a business that sees many people involved (see the previous post) that the Minister should administer has seen fit to revolve this "small" market share (something like 40 million mobile phones scattered throughout 'Italy) so much to like. The major inconvenience of this decision, not the tax itself, but the fact that the SIAE commits every day, clubs, bars, restaurants, shops, theaters, a real bloodletting in monetary terms, for instance the famous or € € ½ applied to a ticket to the theater, or the famous singers that fill every borderĂ² After singing the songs. Nobody has ever wondered why these "sheets" costing a fixed amount and variable compared to the pieces performed. Today it arrives, in order to "protect" copyright then purchasing a music CD Renato Zero (intended for) because we pagassimo also our intention permitted to reproduce, for example, the stick MP3 we use when we go joggin. We say that until now could also be logical. But since that we are not Vulcans what is the cost of the tax? A standard device to €? I do not think in fact, extrapolated from the table by that decree that a 1 GB USB key will pay € 3.22, almost the cost thereof. A compact flash for our camera with 8 GB will have a surplus of € 4.51, or 1 / 4 the cost. The top is for storage media like hard drives, 250GB and beyond the beauty of € 28.98 will pay almost the cost of the same hard disk. The SIAE defends himself by saying that in Europe all the products that are used to copy the works include the fee for years. In France, since 2008 the fees are 50% higher than those established by decree and in Spain, For example, on the phone, the fee is 1 € and 10 in Croatia is 1 euro and 37 cents. The fee established by decree in Italy is 0.90, the minimum price for coffee. Personally I do a great difficulty understanding why the Italian citizens should be forced to offer a coffee SIAE whenever they purchase a mobile phone. Not enough for the coffee sector from taxes applied to the amateur? One of the most important decree of the absurdity lies in the extension of the levy on phones, PCs, set-top box, game console that does not have as main feature the duplication of digital content. In Europe, as he got to remember Confindustria Innovative and Technological Services, 23 countries out of 27 do not provide any compensation while on mobile PCs are taxed in one country and no one has taxed the game console. The machine

SIAE in 2008 has cost over 187 million euro. We believe that the Italian cultural system can not afford to support the costs of this kind and, on the other hand, imagine that if Siae operated in an open market rather than monopoly operating costs would drop quickly and dramatically. Also from the 2008 budget shows that the SIAE has about 650 million in cash and 336 million of financial assets. Together they form 77% of assets. In other words, 3 / 4 heritage SIAE consists of deposits in current accounts and securities accounts. The reason is just so much liquidity in the activity of Siae: Rights Society collects, stores them in its accounts, and only later distributes them to the rightful owners. If one considers that the rights distributed amount each year to just under EUR 700 million, you understand why so much liquidity has SIAE. E 'then true that, as stated in the budget this income component, though of a financial nature, must be ranked among the typical income of the business "but, for this reason, it is more serious in that investment of € 40 million in Lehman & Brother that turned into a dry economic loss of 35 million. This, in fact, does not constitute an investment made by the company, but speculation of a bankruptcy done with the money of the authors. This defaillance, therefore, is emerging as a serious mistake for which management would be desirable to initiate a parliamentary investigation.


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