Friday, May 7, 2010

Bulova Precisionist Vs Rolex

We who ... we had fun !!!!!!

's over! Once again our team has been in port a vessel full of ... show!. This time it was not a musical but a variety of different bill, but not necessarily easier but ... The times are marked by a variety of different dynamics and different variables including the shape of his handler (me) that unfortunately has had to surrender the larynx. But there are no excuses and the show went on anyway and we learn different things. Once again I was supported by a fantastic team of real friends, those who are in the shadows, those words do not make flour, the ones who are always there when you fall ... Once again no name artists (all) were on time and ready to shine on his own without the help of our lights (including those still active!). Write the names? No need, because we are a group that has put at ease the only external and professional, that Niki Giustini has seen that many, but has promised he will return. Here we came out again and from there to another trip. The basis upon whose work has proven solid and practical and the "outsiders" who have given us confidence and made her face, Mariagrazia Interior, Joseph Grillo, are already planning the next challenge, a strong signal of our commitment.
My thanks to all those who embrace them in the end they sent me the passion and what I have gained the firm conviction to continue together. Others that will go down and reassembled on this ship, it's all my thanks for their time, wishing him better luck with professionals more serious than this poor sad clown who writes and who has the illusion of being an actor.
The more beautiful the applause I received from my friend Paul and I are pleased to let you read below:

I am the first, and do it with pleasure. After an evening that had never end, but remember that it is spent with music and merriment, thanks to all especially to Antonio, who has returned to play the sax as he has always known ... The Killer Queen of another class, playing live as it turns out that sound professionals in the recording studio, voice Marco Romagnoli a "killer", the skaters of the New Florence Barbara and Joseph, the ballets of Ilaria and Babi, then Guya voice, still with the guitar Pino Tamandua .... There was Niki Juste, former policeman and this in itself is a great business card, that made us appreciate his skill and sympathy, the repetition of jokes Fabio Forcillo "yellow jacket" (that of Peter and the relationship with his father "only ").... In short, even if I forgot anyone I am sorry but I did not take notes ... I just want to say that I enjoyed and I'm glad that Paul and his group "The Friends of Lapo" and the Meyer Foundation has received a contribution that has made noted that "there are" and are there to work for the future of children ...
And 'this' a great sign of civilization "....
Max Thanks for all this ....


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